9 Ways Stay Interviews Can Help Your Organisation

9 Ways Stay Interviews Can Help Your Organisation

9 Ways Stay Interviews Can Help Your Organisation

For More Expert Insights

Anu Dsouza

Anu Dsouza

Director, Bricoleur Consulting

What are stay interviews?

Stay interviews are a critical tool for employers to help retain employees. It is an important conversation that takes place between managers and their current employees to understand their motivations, career progress, and job satisfaction.

Through this process, employers can gain insight into what their employees need in order to stay engaged and motivated within their roles. Stay interviews are a proactive way for employers to drive employee retention by helping them identify potential problems before they become more serious.

Additionally, stay interviews can provide employers with valuable information to help them create an engaging work environment and make improvements accordingly.

Are stay interviews effective?

Stay interviews are the most powerful way to figure out the effectiveness of your company’s employee engagement tactics and to create an environment that drives higher levels of employee engagement.

A stay interview has four outcomes.

First, it should provide the company with an inside look at why people stay with the company. Second, it helps the employees to feel that their opinion and needs are valued, which in turn will make them feel more like a part of the company.

Third, it gives the employees an opportunity to voice their concerns and allow the company to take action. And lastly, it helps the employees to understand how the company is going to change if it is in a state of transition.

9 ways why stay interviews can help the company

  1.  Stay interviews help to identify the reasons why employees are staying with the company.
    By asking employees why they are sticking around, employers can get a better understanding of what motivates them. This will help to create a more engaging work environment and attract new talent.
  2. Stay interviews help to value employees and their opinions.
    Employees feel appreciated when their opinions are heard and their needs are taken into account. This builds trust within the company and makes it easier for employees to communicate with their managers.
  3. Stay interviews can help to identify areas of improvement.
    Employees will often point out areas where they feel the company can improve if their concerns are addressed. This allows managers to take action and address any issues before they become bigger problems.
  4. Stay interviews can help to build a stronger team atmosphere.
    When employees feel appreciated, they are more likely to contribute their best work. This creates a strong work culture that is attractive to new employees and helps with retention rates.
  5. Stay interviews can help to prevent complaints from arising.
    When employees know that their concerns will be heard and investigated, they are less likely to complain about work conditions. This helps to maintain a positive work atmosphere and reduce office stress levels. Furthermore, this helps in attracting great talent to the organisation.
  6. Stay interviews can help to identify new opportunities for the company.
    When employees have suggestions for how the company can improve, they may spot new business opportunities that would otherwise have gone missing. By working together, the company can seize these opportunities and grow its profits in the process!
  7. Stay interviews can help to improve communication within the organisation.
    When employees feel that their input is valuable, they are more likely to open up and communicate with their co-workers. This improves communication within the company and helps to resolve any issues quickly.
  8. Stay interviews can help to prevent office politics from arising.
    When employees know their opinions are valued, they are less likely to confront their superiors in an attempt to gain favor. This prevents office politics from arising and strengthens team morale.
  9. Stay interviews can help in employee retention
    As per a recent study, a happy employee is 60% less like to leave the organization than an unhappy employee. Stay interviews can be the secret weapon for employers to increase employee retention in the organization.

What is the difference between stay interviews and exit interviews?

Stay interviews and exit interviews are two very different types of interviews that can have a significant impact on employee retention.

While both are aimed at understanding employee satisfaction and engagement levels, stay interviews focus on the current working environment and seek to identify strategies to improve it. They are usually conducted regularly and focus on positive aspects of the workplace.

By contrast, exit interviews are conducted after an employee is about to leave (or has left) the organization, and focus on areas for improvement.

Stay interviews provide actionable insights that allow employers to take proactive steps to improve employee retention rates, while exit interviews provide a retrospective view of the reasons why people may have left.

Start conducting stay interviews today

In today’s world, organizations can embrace stay interviews to increase key resource retention in the organization. Start by assessing your current employee engagement and retention rates, and see how stay interviews can help you achieve your goals.

Also, you can reach out to a professional agency like ours to help you with the job. Bricoleur Consulting specializes in conducting stay interviews and leadership recruitment. With more than 20 years of experience, we can help your organization stay ahead of the curve by providing tailored solutions that help employees improve their performance. If you have any requirements, you can drop us an email at [email protected] or [email protected]


Stay interviews can be conducted by an external professional agency or the managers or HR representatives of the organisation who have direct access to the respective employee.

One to two hours. In rare cases, it can be conducted for 3-4 hours and take a couple of sessions.

Less than 28% of the top companies are conducting stay interviews. More and more companies are opting for stay interviews to prevent their HiPos from leaving the organisation

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