When you share your details with us, you enter the pool of candidates to be matched with new opportunities. Our AI, aptly christened ‘iCEO’, will also, surface up your profile when there are roles that might give you the opportunity to work on things that you personally, deeply care about.
We at Bricoleur believe in #worklifethriving. We believe that it is important to do work that adds value to you as an individual as well as your community and the world at large. The new year gives each of us the chance to look at things afresh and explore new possibilities. Goal setting is a great way to set in motion and execute changes you would like to create in your life and professional trajectory. To that end we have developed a goal setting format that incorporates both a reminder of your reasons for trying for a goal but also how you will know you are successful. We hope you will find this goal-setting format useful.
In case you would like to hire an accountability coach to check in with you periodically on your progress with regards to your goals, drop us an email on [email protected] with the subject line stating ‘Seeking an Accountability Coach’.
Self-reflection is another great way to keep track of your progress with your goals and we now share here a format that you can use during your daily quiet time routine. We recommend you look at this format either first thing in the morning or just before bedtime when you reflect on these aspects undisturbed.
At Bricoleur we aim to empower each of you with tools and formats through a monthly mailing. In case you would like to be included or would like to add someone you know to these mailings, please email [email protected] with the subject line stating ‘Empowering Transformational Leaders Mailing’.
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